The Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation (Cheatham County Paws) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping control pet overpopulation through spay/neuter assistance for the companion animals of Cheatham County residents. The Foundation also advocates for the Cheatham County Animal Control.
We have no paid staff, receive no government funding, and every dollar we receive goes directly to the support of our programs. We could not continue our important work for the animals of Cheatham County without the essential support of friends and donors like you.
Thank you for supporting the work of CCAAF. We are making a difference in the lives of animals in our Cheatham County.
You can now donate directly with PayPal ~ simply click the button below:
Kroger Community Rewards® makes supporting Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
Just click here: Kroger Community Rewards and sign in or create an account with your Kroger Plus Card (search on "Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation") and each time you swipe your Kroger card a donation is credited to CCAAF (Cheatham County Paws).
Mail a check to:
Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation
P.O. Box 361
Pegram, TN 37143-0361
Just click here: Amazon Smile - or on the logo above; you will be able to choose Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation (Cheatham County Paws) as your charity and then every time you log on to Amazon through the Amazon Smile link, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of all your eligible purchases to CCP!
Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation (“CCAAF”) is a non-profit Section 501(c)(3) organization. To comply with IRS regulations, we document that we have not provided you with any goods or services in exchange for this contribution. The IRS has assigned CCAAF FEIN #31-1553745. The State of Tennessee has assigned ID# CO8569.
Donate Money! Monetary donations to our non-profit organization are always greatly appreciated.
You can donate in any of three easy ways -
![]() click here to view our profile on |
You can now donate direclty with PayPal ~ simply click the button below:
Click the button below to make an on-line donation to Cheatham County Animal Awareness through |
Mail a check to:Cheatham County Animal Awareness Foundation
Other Ways To Help:
We are always in need of volunteers! Volunteers may help with activities such as fundraising, educational programs, spay/neuter program. Email us at or call Adrienne at 615-792-1109, if you would like to volunteer.
CCAAF’s has an immediate need for supplies for our puppy and dog rescue. Supplies needed are:
Bleach (non-Clorox), paper towels, Clorox wipes, puppy toys, Kirkland Puppy and Adult dog food.
Items can be dropped off at 4523 Weiglea Drive in Pegram. Please leave on the porch with a note including your contact information.
We appreciate your help!